The quickest way to get logged in if you have forgotten your password is Password Reset - LINK
When following the password link, please type in your school email address, if you get an error message of "User with given email does not exist." Please check your email address, if continue to have problems please follow the below.
IF you are still having problems logging into the site:
Contact your Science Teacher via Email or Google Class Stream who will be able to reset your details.
Tassomai website:
How do I reset a password:
On the login page, select the “forgotten password” button underneath the password box. This will send a reminder to your school email address.
How many do I need to complete each week?
4 daily goals between Friday and Thursday 8am on the day of checking.
How many have I completed so far this week?
On your homepage, go to overview, and scroll down to performance. Here you will see a clear graph which shows you the daily goal completed on each specific day.
- Eg completion date is 11th November 8am. 4 daily goals must be completed between November 5th and 11th.
- Note: on this example, the student checked their work on a Monday. The Tuesday and Wednesday shown here will not count when this is checked by the teacher on Thursday 8am (only Friday – Thursday count for each week) as they were part of last week’s completion.
How much Tassomai do I complete in the holidays?:
Although not required, it is strongly advised to continue Tassomai during the holidays for your own benefit, however detentions will not be set for non-completion during school holidays. On the week of return, you will be expected to complete it on each school day back, and detentions will be set for these days if missed. For example, if we return on a Monday, we expect you to complete Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, ready to be checked on Thursday.
Which class do I sign up to?
It is very important to be signed up to the correct class. If you are completing your homework, but in the wrong class, your teacher will NOT see the work you have completed and you will be set a detention. If in doubt, email your teacher to check the class code.
I do not have a laptop or computer at home, how can I complete my homework?
If you have access to a smart phone or tablet, you can download the Tassomai app and complete the homework anywhere, anytime. In addition, there are computers available to use at school at break times and lunch times, and computers are available in the library everyday after school 3-4pm. Homework club is also on Monday-Thursday if you require a little extra support. Year 11’s also have champions hour (4-5pm) and working lunch.
I completed 4 goals today, why do I have a detention?
You must complete 1 daily goal on 4 separate days. The idea of this is that little and often has a much better outcome on your science knowledge than doing one large chunk.
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