Let’s get you connected to the internet
Schools can apply for a limited number of free Wi-Fi voucher codes to give to their most in-need pupils
We’ve made a substantial number of free Wi-Fi voucher codes available for schools to distribute to pupils aged 16 or under who don’t currently have adequate access to internet connectivity at home.
To help ensure we’re supporting the most in-need pupils across the country, we’ll be allocating vouchers in proportion to the number of pupils at a school who are eligible for free school meals, capped at a maximum of 60 vouchers per school.
How will the Wi-Fi voucher codes work?
Each Wi-Fi voucher code will allow access to the internet on up to three devices at a time, for free, until the end of July 2021. Access will be provided through BT’s network of over 5 million Wi-Fi hotspots around the country and includes comprehensive content filtering.
Once we’ve processed your application, we’ll send all the Wi-Fi voucher codes to your school. You can then hand out the codes to the pupils you think are most in need, along with a useful guide on how to get connected.
Important note:
Although BT Wi-Fi coverage is extensive with over 5 million Wi-Fi hotspots across the UK, it doesn't reach every address so won't be a suitable solution for all pupils. We expect BT Wi-Fi will reach approximately 20% of UK premises. To avoid disappointment, please check that coverage is available at each pupil’s home address before you apply for a code. Simply enter the postcode using our online checker. A 'heat map' will be shown using colours to denote hotspot density in the postcode area. Red shows areas with the best chance of connection (though this is not guaranteed), whereas green shows a lower chance. Areas on the map where no colour is shown, means there is no hotspot coverage.
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